


Über uns

"We are a group of artists who are deeply concerned with societal issues and social justice. We pose these questions in our regular meetings and seek answers through our art."

Our working group was founded in spring 2022 and its current members are musicians from the independent scene who have come together to develop a functioning and adaptable utilization concept for the conversion of minciospace_. In addition to key topics such as rehearsal requirements, networking and exchange as well as financing models, the dialog within the working group showed that there is a common interest in dealing with socially relevant topics, breaking out of one's own bubble and actively participating in social processes.

With minciospace_, artists aim to create a space for artists that is true to all our values, responds to needs in the best possible way and acts as a place of inspiration and open space for people who engage in art in order to find solutions to present and future issues. The core areas of our vision are the following:

  • Affordable, low-threshold space for ensembles and individual artists in the form of memberships
  • Space by artists for artists
  • Strengthening the exchange within the scene
  • Offer of Performance Opportunities for Projects in Development
  • Awarding of Residencies and Structural Support for Artistic Development
  • Promotion of Discourse and Research at the Intersection of Art, Science, and Society
  • Focus on the idea of "repairing the future" in all aspects
  • Linking social participation, social change and cultural work
  • Promotion of Diversity
  • Develop extended concert formats
  • Serve as a platform for new ideas

We are carefully expanding our circle to allow our vision to grow slowly.
If you are interested in joining the working group or becoming a member of the House, please contact the contact form . We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Become a member!

We have the place and you can use it.

We have developed various price models and membership forms that can be adapted to your needs and are suitable for solo artists as well as larger formations and ensembles, depending on your usage and rehearsal requirements.

How does it work?

Depending on your membership, you have access to a shared calendar to check the availability of the room. Send a request to the minciospace_ team and you will receive a final confirmation within 24 hours.
For last-minute requests during the week, the minciospace_ team can be reached by phone and in most cases a spontaneous rental is also possible.

Our memberships

€ 60 per Year + Discounted Rehearsal Opportunities

1 day basement floor:              65 € (8h)
½ day basement floor:             35 € (4h)
1 hour basement floor:        12 €

+ Flexible use of the rehearsal room in the basement at discounted rates
+ Access to the calendar to check availability
+ Participation in community events at minciospace_
+ Invitation to showings
+ Valid for 1 year

€ 120 per Year + Discounted Rehearsal Opportunities

1 day basement floor:              65 € (8h)
½ day basement floor:             35 € (4h)
1 hour basement floor:        12 €


+ Flexible use of the rehearsal room in the basement at discounted rates
+ Applicable for groups of 2 or more people
+ Access to the calendar to check availability
+ Participation in community events at minciospace_
+ Invitation to showings
+ Valid for 1 year

€ 60 per Month + Rehearsals at No Additional Cost


+ Flexible use of the rehearsal room in the basement without additional costs
+ Access to the calendar to check availability
+ Participation in community events at minciospace_
+ Invitation to showings
+ Contractual Commitment: 6 months, 1-month notice period

€ 130 per Month + Rehearsals at No Additional Cost

+ Flexible use of the rehearsal room in the basement without additional costs
+ Applicable for groups of 2 or more people
+ Access to the calendar to check availability
+ Participation in community events at minciospace_
+ Invitation to showings
+ Contractual Commitment: 6 months, 1-month notice period

€ 50 per Year + Rehearsals on a "Pay-What-You-Can" Basis*


+ Flexible use of the rehearsal room in the basement
On-site rehearsals: "pay-as-you-can" basis with a suggested guideline:

1 day basement floor: 65 € (8h)
½ day basement floor: 35 € (4h)
1 hour basement floor: 12 €

  • The working group can propose projects and receive a budget for their implementation.
  • Regular working group meetings and participation at in-house community events
  • Organisation of showings
  • View the calendar to check availability
  • Valid for 1 year
  • High commitment, limited to 20 people

All prices include VAT.

Surcharge of €10 per month for the storage of equipment on site.

It is possible to park on our premises. The daily rate is €10. For a permanent car park, please contact us personally.

minciospace_ has a basic range of equipment. This can be used on request.

*All memberships are limited to a certain number of people and ensembles. In the event of high demand, use of the venue is limited to a maximum of 3 times per week per membership in order to guarantee fair use for all members. 

Working Group

The working group is made up of musicians from the independent scene. Regular meetings are held to agree on priorities, needs, goals, and values for the future of the organisation.

Photo: Ralph Kuehne

Jul Dillier

Sound artist, sound poet, piano etc.

Projects: Chuffdrone, other:M:other, Ferstl.Dillier

Clara Website (c) Viktoria Hofmarcher

Photo: Viktoria Hofmarcher

Clara Donat

Saxophonistin, Texterin und Performerin von jeglichen Genre

Projekte: Leiterin des Synergia Ensembles, Duo Interference

Flora Marlene Geisselbrecht-©Verena-Bruening_DSF9197_kleiner.jpeg
Photo: Verena Bruening

Flora Marlene Geißelbrecht

Composer, performer and writer; New music, classical music, jazz

Projekte: EI GEN KLANG, Milleflör, Paul Schuberth & Flora Geißelbrecht, Jelena Popržan & Flora Geißelbrecht.

Photo: Lisa Hofstätter

Leoniemaria Grössl

Jazz Violine, Classic, Improvisation

Photo: Daliah Spiegel

Matteo Haitzmann

Violonist, composer, performer
Jazz, traditional music

Projects: Those We Lost, Alma, Squamata,
Little Rosies

Photo: Paul Jurkovics

Viktoria Hofmarcher

Musician, photographer and many things in between
Traditional, classical music and contemporary music

Projects: Dreimäderlhaus, zoat, no string quartet

Photo: Amir Kaufmann

Antonia Kapelari

Musician, cello, trumpet
Baroque music to classical music, contemporary music

Projects: Concentus Musicus, R.E.T Chamber Brass, no string quartet

Anna Koch
Photo: Sebastian Schmid

Anna Koch

Freelance clarinettist and bass clarinettist
Contemporary and improvised music

Projects: Platypus Ensemble, ensemble reconsil, ensemble N

Lukas-Kranzelbinder (c) Peter-van-Breukelen_WEB.jpeg
Photo: Peter van Breukelen

Lukas Kranzelbinder

Bassist, composer, music management
Jazz, improvised music

Projects: Shake Stew, Almrausch(en), On Boit Lumumba

Photo: Julia Geiter

Julia Lacherstorfer

Freelance musician and composer, co-director of the wellenklænge festival
Jazz, global, traditional music

Projects: Alma, Spinnerin, Nachbarin

Photo: JH

Lukas Lauermann

Jazz, new music,

Projects: Alicia Edelweiss, Doppelfinger, Woschdog, Maija

Yvonne Moriel

Photo: Alex Gotte

Yvonne Moriel

Saxophonist, composer

Photo: Anna Sophia Rußmann

Ralph Mothwurf

Guitarist, composer, conductor
Jazz, classical music

Projects: Ralph Mothwurf Orchestra, Yasmo & die Klangkantine

Photo: Georg Cizek-Graf

Anna Reisigl

Electric and double bass player, composer, jazz, classical music, singer-songwriter

Projekte: AR Project, Drehwerk, Tom Joseph Trio, Pia Denz Oktett, no string quartet, etc.

Photo: Theresa Pewal

David Six

Pianist, composer, producer
Jazz, classical music

Projects: s t a r g a z e Kammerensemble

Photo: Viktoria Hofmarcher

Sophie Trobos

Musician and founder of ensemble
Classical to contemporary music

Projects:, no string quartet

Photo: Viktoria Hofmarcher

Max Zaloudek

Guitarist, poet

Projects: Kann man reparieren

Photo: Theresa Pewal

Simon Zöchbauer

Freelance musician and composer, co-director of the wellenklænge Festival New Music, Jazz, Improvised Music

Projects: Federspiel, Achad

Advisory board

The advisory board supports minciospace_ in specific subject matters. The members of the advisory board are carefully selected and the circle is gradually expanded.

Katharina Rogenhofer

Author and climate activist

Katharina Rogenhofer studied Zoology in Vienna and "Biodiversity, Conservation and Management" at the University of Oxford. She then worked for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Inspired by the activist groups at the climate conference in Katowice, she launched FridaysForFuture in Vienna in December 2018. From April 2019, she led the climate referendum, which resulted in a successful motion in the Austrian parliament and now continues to actively shape climate legislation in Austria. In July 2021, together with Florian Schlederer, she published her first book "Ändert sich nichts, ändert sich alles".

Events & Projects



we:create ist ein ganzjähriges Werkstatt-Format in Kooperation mit dem Festival wellenklænge, bei dem Musiker:innen genreübergreifend ihre künstlerische Entwicklung auf die nächste Stufe heben, ihre eigene kreative Sprache finden und neue Werke entstehen lassen, die an diesem Abend uraufgeführt werden.

Read more »


Experimentelle Musik durch die kulinarische Linse: Wo das Essen als verschlüsselter, vieldeutiger Programmtext zur Musik fungiert und das Gehörte mit dem Geschmeckten in Verbindung gebracht wird.

Read more »

join in - participate - create

If you would like to be part of an emerging creative community, there are several areas in which we need support:

Arbeitskreis- und Kollektivaufbau:

  • Mitgestaltung des Arbeitskreises und der Community
  • Entwicklung von Formaten 
  • Co-creation of concert and online formats
  • Establishing an interface between art, science, and change
  • Elaboration of a utilisation concept and terms of use


  • Preparation of funding applications
  • Development of the circle of patrons and friends


  • Participation in the planning and construction of the building
  • Discussion of the current plans
  • Considering acoustic requirements in the building
  • Coordinating the artists' needs with future use


You decide how much time you want to dedicate to our project.
The area in which you would like to contribute is also open to you - we are always happy to welcome new members to the team.

Our work is currently still based on voluntary work. What we can offer, however, is space and experience. Our community members can use the minciospace_ as a rehearsal room, work studio or office space until it is renovated.

If you want to know more about our plans, click HERE.



Persönliches Infogespräch

Anmeldung zur Vermögenspool
Online Info Event

2025/04/23 – 18:30 – 19:30 Uhr

Anmeldung zur Vermögenspool
Online Info Event

2025/04/08 – 18:30 – 19:30 Uhr

Anmeldung zur Vermögenspool
Online Info Event

2025/03/26 – 18:30-19:30 Uhr

Anmeldung zur Vermögenspool
Online Info Event

2025/05/06 – 18:30-19:30 Uhr