

Therapy Rooms

Sampogasse 14 in Vienna's 14th district is home to our therapy rooms offering a pleasant, quiet, and professional setting for various forms of therapy. The newly renovated office is bright, the surroundings quiet and the two available rooms charmingly furnished.

It is important to us that our office is a non-discriminatory space where people with different biographies and diverse ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, and religious confessions feel welcome.

We are an LGBTQIA+ sensitive place.

For patients

The focus of sampospace_ group practice is on body therapy methods and our range is constantly being expanded. Our therapists offer a wide range of treatments, including shiatsu, vocal therapy, physiotherapy and much more. Please contact the therapists directly to make an appointment.

Please contact the therapists directly to make an appointment. 

The therapists at sampospace_

Foto: Matthaeus Anton Schmid

Mag. Susanne E. Rosenlechner

Dipl. Shiatsu-Praktikerin, Dipl. Lomi-Lomi Nui-Praktikerin, Psychosoziale Beraterin, systemische Familienaufstellerin, Dialogprozessbegleiterin

In meiner Praxis darfst du einfach sein – mit allem, was gerade in dir lebt. Körperliche Themen, emotionale Schwere, alte Geschichten, die in dir nachklingen – all das bekommt hier Raum. Mit systemischem Körper-Coaching und Aufstellungsarbeit begleite ich dich dabei, dich selbst tiefer zu spüren, alte Muster zu wandeln und neue Wege zu entdecken. Und wenn dein Körper nach purer Hingabe ruft, dann wartet die Lomi Lomi Nui auf dich – eine Berührung, die nicht nur die Haut, sondern dein ganzes Wesen umarmt. Ein Ankommen. Ein Erinnern. Ein tiefes, friedliches Durchatmen.

Mail: susanne@rosenlechner.at
Mobile: +43 680 2011 680
Website: www.rosenlechner.at
Mon 14:00 - 21:00
Thu 14:00 - 21:00

Ingrid Filzmoser

Certified Shiatsu Practitioner, Healing Masseuse, Pilates Trainer

For 20 years I have been fascinated by Shiatsu, by perceiving the human being in its entirety and achieving the desired effect in the energy system with gentle, unintentional touch. In general, every person, whether healthy or ill and regardless of age and gender, can benefit from Shiatsu treatments. The treatment itself takes place in comfortable clothing on a floor mat.
Rates: €60 / 50 min.

Mail: ingridfilzmoser@gmail.com
Mobile:: +43 699 108 66 355
Wed 14:00 - 20:00

Robert Schloffer

Certified Shiatsu practitioner
Certified Dao Yin trainer

My work as a caregiver for the elderly and healing masseur led me to Shiatsu. The effectiveness of Shiatsu still convinces me after more than 20 years. The fact that Shiatsu is not only a holistic form of treatment, but also means working on and developing oneself, makes it so special. Mindful Shiatsu relaxes body and mind, increases flexibility, improves body awareness, activates self-healing powers, keeps you healthy and vital.

Mail: robert.schloffer@gmx.at
Mobile: +43699 115 88 9 88
Website: www.shiatsu-schloffer.at
Wed 14:00 - 20:00

Foto: Lukas Ackermann

Mag. Sophie Kliman

Singing therapist according to C. Wijnen and
J. Hwesta-Spitzer

In our singing therapy sessions together, I will help you to look at and work through your personal challenges and concerns using vocal exercises and selected songs, as well as body and breath work. It doesn't matter whether you can sing or not, because in vocal therapy the voice serves exclusively as a means of expression and should help you to get into your body and into feeling, to express issues and feelings, to give comfort and to recharge your batteries. 

Singing therapy does not replace psychotherapy, but can be a valuable support.
Costs €60-80,-/60 min. (depending on self-assessment and inner readiness)

Mail: echtseinstimmt@gmx.at
Website: www.echtseinstimmt.at/
FR., 14:00 – 20:00 Uhr
und nach Vereinbarung


Foto: Lukas Ackermann

Paul Jurkovics, BSc

Physiotherapist specialising in musicians and cyclists

The body is the instrument that gets us through life. If it does not function according to our expectations, this restricts us in our actions. My work as a physiotherapist is about analysing movement behaviour and processes and influencing them. My experience of movement and my experience on the double bass, as well as the individual experiences of my patients, determine my approach to therapy. 

Mobile: +43 680 1427173:
Website: pauljurkovics.at/
HoursUpon agreement


Magdalena Sedmak, MA

Somatic Experiencing (SE)® practitioner (in training). Fokus: Schock- und Entwicklungstraumata, Emotionaler Ausdruck, aktives Selbstmitgefühl

Somatische Körperpsychotherapie ist Ergänzung zur herkömmlichen Psychotherapie (—> SOMA bedeutet „Körper“, PSYCHE bedeutet „Seele“). Sie dient zur Stress-, und Traumabewältigung nach Peter Levine (SE)®, Markus Hennig Giess (YIN Therapy), und Janet Adler (Authentic Movement). Somatische Therapie versucht in einem geschützten Erfahrungsraum Körper und Seele wieder in Einklang zu bringen, wenn man* sich selbst fremd geworden ist. Dieser Fremde wenden wir uns über den Körper zu. Es werden vergangene Erfahrungen aufgearbeitet, und integriert. Ich arbeite im Dialog mit Bewegung, Berührung, Mediation, und Metaphern/Gegenständen, um den Zugang zum jeweils Eigenen zu finden. Ich glaube, durch das In-Berührung-Sein mit der eigenen Lebendigkeit, können wir dem Leben wieder aktiv und gestalterisch begegnen.

Mail: meet@beruehrungspunkt.art
+43 69910850600
Website: www.beruehrungspunkt.art
Hours: DI., 14:00 – 17:00, n.V.



Our practice is located on the 3rd floor of a newly renovated turn-of-the-century apartment building and has been available for first occupancy since April 2023. Access to the practice is barrier-free and directly accessible by lift. The rooms are stylishly furnished with herringbone parquet flooring and modern underfloor heating, operated by an air heat pump. The practice offers two interconnected therapy rooms (22.3 m² and 10.5 m²) facing west, a waiting room (7 m²) and a bathroom (5 m²) with walk-in shower.

Zur Ausstattung gehören: Tische, Therapie-Stühle, Sofa, Lampen, Handtücher, Küche mit Kühlschrank, Geschirrspüler, Kaffeemaschine, Wasserkocher und Geschirr, W-Lan, Badezimmer mit Toilette, Dusche und Waschbecken, Massageliege, Seife und Desinfektionsmittel, Schränke für Aufbewahrung.

Our practice rooms offer everything you need for a pleasant and professional therapy environment and experience.

The underfloor heating also enables bodywork on the floor. The main room can accommodate groups of up to around 7 people. There is also an area for office work and the possibility to store work materials.

Therapy Room 1

The main room is a cosy, light-flooded room with a ceiling height of 3.2 metres, herringbone parquet flooring, two large windows and tasteful vintage furnishings.
The room is furnished with a sofa, a chair, two shelves, a small table, and a kitchen. It is ideal for all forms of therapy and counselling as well as for working with small groups.
Two west-facing windows bring a lot of sunlight into the room, especially in the afternoon.

Therapy Room 2

The smaller therapy room, which is 10.5 m² in size and separated from the main room by a door, offers another calming space that is particularly suitable for massage or body therapy. This room also has a desk and a cupboard for storing equipment.

A west-facing window also allows plenty of sunlight into the room, especially in the afternoon.


Sampogasse 14/Top 23, 1140 Wien

  • U3 Hütteldorferstraße – 5 min walk
  • Tram 10 Laurentiusplatz – 3 min walk
  • Bus 12A Minciostraße – 2 min walk
  • Bus 10A Auf der Schmelz – 5 min walk

For therapists

In order to be able to respond to the diverse needs of clients, our aim is to offer a wide range of different forms of therapy on site. To this end, we invite therapists from different therapeutic disciplines such as body therapy (Feldenkrais, Grinberg, massage) and therapists from other psychotherapeutic disciplines to become part of the sampospace_ practic.
The choice of therapists is made with care in order to be able to offer a wide range of professional services.


Morning (07:30 – 13:30): 140 €*
Afternoon (14:00 – 20:00): 180 €*
Whole day: 310 €*

*Monthly rent all-inclusive for a 6-hour block / day per week, all prices incl. VAT.

For example: You take the Wednesday morning block, pay € 140 per month and have the entire practice, i.e. 2 treatment rooms including kitchen, waiting room, bathroom/WC, at your disposal every Wednesday morning from 07:30 to 13:30.

Full-day rental is only possible on weekends.
Afternoons from Mon - Fri are already fully booked, mornings are still available.

1 hour 18 € (possible from 2 hours)

Block of 5 | € 80 

Block of 10 | € 160

Block of 15 | € 225 

Block of 20 | € 300 **

**all prices incl. VAT

You don't need a fixed weekly schedule, but rather a practice room for occasional work? In that case, you can rent the space for individual hours or blocks as needed and based on frequency.

With the purchased block of hours, you can reserve our facilities starting from 1 hour (60 minutes).


The price includes rent, all running costs (electricity, water, lift costs, rubbish etc.), cleaning, refilling coffee/tea, furnishing, communication and advertising of the therapists on our website and networking opportunities for therapists.

After use, the practice should be left as it was found, i.e. separately disposed rubbish, kitchen tidied, etc....

We want you to feel comfortable with us and are happy to discuss your personal needs in advance and try to respond to them in the best way possible.

Persönliches Infogespräch

Anmeldung zur Vermögenspool
Online Info Event

2025/03/11 – 18:30 – 19:30 Uhr

Anmeldung zur Vermögenspool
Online Info Event

2025/02/25 – 18:30 – 19:30 Uhr

Anmeldung zur Vermögenspool
Online Info Event

2025/02/11 – 18:30-19:30 Uhr

Anmeldung zur Vermögenspool
Online Info Event

2023/08/09 – 18:30-19:30 Uhr